Choose light, brown gold that sparkles.

All you have to do is allow a few precious drops of Hypocras to run through our palate, then let the charm work, the smile appear, the day brighten.

“Pessimism is of mood, optimism of will.”

Fiat Lux

Let there be light.

Feeling a tiny variation in our mood – so dear to Hippocrates – perceiving a greater availability to oneself, an almost nothing that changes everything.

A burst of brown gold, singular and delicious flavors of oriental spices, and the mind is enlightened, the idea germinates, eternity opens for an instant.

This day will be bright.

Discover the warm power of a generous wine, illuminated by the dancing glow of multiple aromas of oriental spices, which dance behind our closed eyes, in front of so many emotions.

Discover how pleasant it is to access the rich flavors of Hypocras, to take the time, to seize it, to perceive, feel, understand, and finally experience great pleasure in tasting this moment, this life which is offered to you. We.

Carpe Diem.

Perceive this subtle balance between two opposites. Traveling between two shores, embarking with a hint of bitterness that evokes citrus fruits, before landing on the comforting foothills of sweet notes of candied prunes. The memory of this beautiful crossing will awaken in us a sweet memory of childhood, and its golden flavors of gingerbread.

All paradox disappears, contradiction is erased thanks to the sweet wonder of rose petals. “Coïnidentia oppositorum”, the coincidence of opposites, dear to philosophers since the Renaissance.

It is, in fact, thanks to the union of opposites that intelligence manages to overcome obstacles.


The memory of this beautiful crossing will awaken in us childhood and its golden flavors of gingerbread.

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